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50 Miles

Course GPX-Even years (clockwise)

Course GPX-Odd years (counterclockwise)

Course on Ride with GPS

Dakota Five-O  Map: Clockwise

Dakota Five-O Map: Counterclockwise

Spearfish, SD

September 1st, 2024

*WARNING: THIS IS A MOUNTAIN BIKE RACE, if you are not fit, have health issues, or are not an avid rider of singletrack, please consider whether you should ride in this race or not. It is a challenging 50 mile course, with some technical sections, and consists of about 90% singletrack with 6500+ ft of climbing!



The Dakota Five-O, lollie-pop loop, begins in Spearfish City Park with a mass, neutral roll out, and leaves town to the west up Tinton Road. The three miles of gravel road climbing will give the fast guys a chance to vie for position, before funneling onto the twisty, smooth, Tinton Trail single-track. For the next few miles passing is tight, and it could get a little congested, but keep your cool and don’t get too antsy, as there is plenty of riding ahead!  At the "loop" at mile 7 we decided to ride the course in opposite directions from year to year, to keep things fresh!  Read below for a full description of each year's course to see what you are in for!


Even Years: we will be riding the course clockwise, so after the fun flowy Tinton Trail, at approximatly mile 7 (at the course split)  you will make your way down into a gully we call Twin Bridges, and will eventually make your way to the first aid station, at about mile 11, at Big Hill Trailhead.  After fueling up, you will be riding the Big Hill Trail system which consists of a little single track, mixed with two track, along with possible bovine sightings (as well as their droppings)...this is South Dakota!! The Big Hill Trail system will dump you out onto Iron Creek drainage road, which will then take you to the single track climb Cardiac Bypass all the way to the top of Recovery Ridge. This section of single track along the rim of Spearfish canyon has some great views, and may seem like a long haul, but eventually you’ll see the crowds waiting and cheering for you at the second aid station, at approximately 21 miles in, at Old Baldy Trailhead. Relax, stretch, and continue on through the Old Baldy trail system which consists of some fun flowy singletrack.  Leaving Old Baldy you'll head up Taco Alley and cross Beaver Creek road at sheep flats, approximately 27 miles into the race. Are you tired yet?  You'll make your way up a short climb called Sheep Steeps, and ride another 4 miles of snowmoblie trail, then jump across a gravel road onto a nice flowing section of single track all the way to the last aid station at mile 32 known as Ball Park or Higgins Gulch.  Beware of the bear of a climb ahead! And don't forget to stop at the Bacon Station for your official on course PBR stop...(don't ask for water), and some nice greasy bacon!! Now you're ready for the all new, hand built single-track of Dakota Ridge, that takes you along the eastern ridge near citadel rock, to some spectacular views of Crow Peak, and back out onto forest service road. Finally you will climb, climb, climb back out and onto your last 6 miles of single track, that take you back down Tinton trail, and back down Tinton Road and into Spearfish City Park, where music, food, and a cold brew is waiting with your name on it! Stick around until the 4:30 awards ceremony followed by a raffle for many great prizes from our sponsors!


  • Aid Station 1 Big Hill-at mile 10.5 Cut off time of 10:30am-Cut off time will be strictly enforced due to rider safety and out of respect for our volunteers. All riders must leave the aid station at 10:30am if they wish to continue.

  • Aid Station 2 Old Baldy-at mile 22.5: Cut off time of 1:00pm -Cut off time will be strictly enforced due to rider safety and out of respect for our volunteers. All riders must leave the aid station at 1pm if they wish to continue.

  • Aid Station 3 Higgins Gulch- at mile 35: Cut off time of 3:OOpm-Cut off time will be strictly enforced due to rider safety and out of respect to our volunteers. All riders must leave the aid station at 3pm if they wish to continue.

  • Bacon Station- at mile 38. Bacon station closes at 4pm.  

All 3 aid stations will provide water, Heed sports drink, and a variety of food items such as chips, cookies, bars, trailmix, banans, oranges, etc.


Odd years: we will be riding the course counterclockwise, so at the course split at mile 7, you will make your way over to a crossing of Tinton Rd, and will then have a few miles of double track to get yourself into position before dropping down the K-Nectar trail and down a fast Forest Service dirt road. This road is fast and can have large ruts from trucks driving on it when muddy, so be very careful on this descent.  After the descending you will have the most challenging single track climb of the course, Dakota Ridge.  After topping out you will ride more singletrack, before dropping down into the Ballpark or Higgins Gulch, and your first aid station at mile 15.  From here you will cross over Higgins Gulch Road and ride the gravel for a short stretch to a short steep climb to the right, which will take you to the single track of Stadium Ridge.  After this comes a steady, flowy 4 mile stretch of single track.  Cross a gravel road onto the snowmobile trail and use this time to catch your breath and prepare for the fun ahead.  At mile 20 you will drop down into Sheep Flats and will then navigate your way through Taco Alley, and through some fun single track at Old Baldy.  This section will take you to the 2nd aid station at Old Baldy Trailhead, at mile 26.  From here the fun begins as you will make your way over to Recovery Ridge, which has some beautiful views of Spearfish Canyon if you take the time to look up!  You will then descend down Cardiac Climb, and across Iron Creek drainage, where you will find the 3rd Aid Station at mile 32.  Next you will climb up some two track, into the Big Hill Trail system, and will end up at the Bacon Station at mile 37.  It's all downhill from here 'yeah right', as you make your way down Twin Bridges, and down Tinton Trail, back to the Spearfish City Park, where music, food, and a cold brew is waiting with your name on it! Stick around until the 4:30 awards ceremony followed by a raffle for many great prizes from our sponsors.

  • Aid Station 1 Higgins Gulch-at mile 15 Cut off time of 11:30am.  Cut off time will be strictly enforced due to rider safety and out of respect for our volunteers. All riders must leave the aid station at 11:30am if they wish to continue.

  • Aid Station 2 Old Baldy-at mile 27: Cut Off Time of 1:45pm- Cut off time will be strictly enforced due to rider safety and out of respect for our volunteers. All riders must leave the aid station at 1:45 if they wish to continue.

  • Aid Station 3 Iron Creek Drainage-at mile 35 Cut off time of 3:30pm-Cut off time will be strictly enforced due to rider safety and out of respect for our volunteers. All riders must leave the aid station at 3:30 if they wish to continue.

  • Bacon Station- at mile 39. Closes at 4:30pm

All 3 aid stations will provide water, Heed sports drink, and a variety of food items such as chips, cookies, bars, trailmix, banans, oranges, etc.


  • 19 and Under male

  • 19 and Under female

  • Men's 20 to 29     

  • Women's 20 to 29       

  • Men's 30 to 39                          

  • Women's 30 to 39                

  • Men's 40 to 49               

  • Women's 40 to 49   

  • Men's 50 to 59     

  • Women's 50 to 59

  • Men's 60 and Over     

  • Women's 60 and Over

  • Mens Single Speed

  • Womens Single Speed

  • Tandem Open

  • 19 and Under Non-Binary

  • Non-Binary Open

  • Non-Binary Single Speed


Cash Prizes for all Age classes:


  • 15 or less riders in class= Cash 3 deep

  • Over 15 riders in class= Cash 5 deep

  • If less than 3 riders in a class, prize will be awarded  


All classes

1st=  $100

2nd= $80

3rd= $70

4th= $60

5th= $50

Cash Prizes for Overall Category winners:

Top 5 overall, mens, womens, nonbinary: Must have a minimum of 50 participants in the Category

1st= $400 + Custom Trophy, Special Prize from Sram/Quarq

2nd=$350 + Custom Trophy

3rd=$300 + Custom Trophy

4th= $250 + Custom Trophy

5th=$200 + Custom Trophy  



Race Info

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© 2022. Dakota Five-O. Ridge Rider Racing, LLC

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